ATSOs are employed through the Department of Education on a temporary basis during the school year. An ATSO will work with the school, parents, contractors and drivers to provide a high level of supervision for students when on transport.

Students with complex health and/or behaviour needs require the services of an ATSO to ensure their safe travel to and from school.

ATSO eligibility:

  • be 18years of age

  • physically able

  • have good communication skills

  • be respectful and understanding of students with disability

  • be able to work collaboratively with others

  • complete and maintain currency in the departments mandatory training requirements

  • meet and adhere to the ATSO responsibilities



Please complete the following consent statement

consent to the collection of necessary personal information, including age, gender, medical history / reports, address details, and the disclosure of information to third parties, medical practitioners and psychological service providers.

I agree to undertake all medical tests and examinations as required to ensure my capability to perform the tasks required of the position for which I have applied. 

I hereby declare that the information I have provided in this form is true and accurate and I authorise the company to verify any information if required. Any false or misleading information may result in the termination of my position / application.

I have read and understood my rights in respect of access to and collection of my personal information.

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